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Step into the revolution that changed the world

You don''t need to know anything about the French Revolution to enjoy Path of the Patriots, because this historical time-trip tells you everything! You''ll see squatters in the Louvre, revoluti
onary committees in royal bedrooms, savage massacres and beheadings where Parisians now sit eating their sandwiches, and a revolutionary prison right in the middle of Boulevard Saint-Germain. Path of the Patriots is a goldmine of tales and anecdotes
about this turbulent period in Paris''s history, and it tells you where to eat and drink while reading them. This book is so full of fascinating stories, you''ll enjoy it just as much sitting at home with a glass of wine as you will when you''re wand
ering around the beautiful French capital. You''ll never look at Paris in the same way again!

Path of the Patriots comes in two volumes, and has a total of ten walks. The first four walks are in Volume One, which also gives you an introducti
on to the Revolution through a brief history of what happened, biographies of the people who made it happen, and a description of what the city of Paris looked like during the revolutionary era. In Volume Two there are six more walks that will comple
te this unique experience of Paris during one of its most dramatic periods of history. Whichever of these two volumes you read, get ready to step into the Revolution that changed the world!

About the Author
Jan Kelley is from London, but
has spent much of her adult life in other places, including New York, Boston and Paris. Her professional life has been equally varied, ranging from teacher to translator and writer. A life-long love of history coupled with living in the ancient hear
t of Paris led her to write this book.


Take a historical time trip through the streets where it all happened, to where Parisians lived, worked, ate and drank, rose up in arms, and to where many ended their lives unde
r the blade of the guillotine.

The two books contain ten walks, which take the reader around different neighbourhoods that were instrumental in the Revolution. Each walk gives the visitor a complete experience of the atmosphere of that area
during this period by pointing out the people and revolutionary events associated with it. Also included are references to contemporary architecture, and some of the more colourful residents, as well as restaurants, brasseries and cafes with a revolu
tionary history. Each walk is full of stories and anecdotes, as well as illustrations, maps and detailed instructions. They reveal hidden treasures that will never be found in a typical tourist guide of Paris.

Path of the Patriots is not jus
t about the unknown. It also takes you to many of the more famous sights of Paris, including the Louvre, the Tuileries, the Conciergerie, Notre-Dame, Place de la Concorde, the Pantheon, the Palais-Royal, as well as a complete walk through the town an
d chateau of Versailles. Now, however, you have a different view. The Pyramid is not just the new and elegant entrance to the Louvre. It stands on the site of a labyrinth of tiny streets where rebellious citizens rose up against the King, and where t
he Queen got hopelessly lost while attempting to escape.

Every walk offers a different glimpse into the excitement, idealism, and terror that characterized this amazing period of history, be it following the path of the condemned to the guil
lotine along the rue Saint-Honore with stores and cafes still standing today, or visiting the prison that held Josephine during the Terror and still has her graffiti on the walls. The storming of the Bastille comes to life before your eyes as you hav
e a drink on a cafe terrace that now occupies the main courtyard of this famous prison.

For frequent visitors to Paris, this guide offers a unique way to look at the city. It gives an extra dimension to popular sites like the Tuileries by sh
owing what used to be there (i.e. the Tuileries Palace, demolished in 1884) and what happened there. Many do not know that this is where Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were first held in captivity, and where Robespierre compiled his dreaded list of s
uspects. Even fewer know that Thomas Jefferson attended musical concerts there, and only just escaped from being the first victim of the Revolution.

The Walks

5 From the Temple of Reason to the Temple Prison
Here you will discov
er the fascinating Enclos du Temple, the ''town within a town'' that was a refuge from the law and a tax haven for thousands of people. It is better known, though, as the prison where Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette lived their last few months of fami
ly life. Between the site of this infamous royal prison and the great cathedral of Notre Dame, you will follow the young Danton as he tries to find his way around Paris for the first time. During this walk, which takes you through the Marais, you mee
t that singular 18th-century character, Caron de Beaumarchais, and see the house where he wrote ''The Marriage of Figaro'' and organized aid to the American rebels. You will also re-live the last violent moments of Robespierre''s power, and be a witn
ess to one of the darkest events of the Revolution, the murder of Marie-Antoinette''s devoted friend, the Princesse de Lamballe.

6 Ghosts in the Place du Carrousel
This walk takes you back to the golden days of the Tuileries Palace, home
to royalty before becoming a royal prison, and then the seat of the all-powerful Committee of Public Safety. During the revolutionary period the area between the Tuileries Palace and the Louvre was a maze of dark, narrow passages, where the houses o
f common folk stood side by side with bourgeois mansions. It was through this labyrinth of streets that Robespierre''s ''fiancee'' hurried to her art classes, where great masters were sold at bargain prices, where Napoleon was nearly assassinated, an
d where Marie-Antoinette wandered, completely lost, right under the nose of her unsuspecting subjects. When the monarchy was finally toppled, these same subjects, now enraged, poured out of their homes to join the crowd that was heading menacingly ac
ross the Place du Carrousel towards the Tuileries Palace.

7 The Route of the Condemned I
From the Conciergerie prison sad processions of tumbrils set off each afternoon, transporting the daily batches of victims destined for the guilloti
ne in Place de la Concorde, known then as Place de la Revolution. In walks number seven and eight you will follow in their footsteps, from prison cell to scaffold to grave, at the same time getting to know some of the residents of the area and the ev
ents that took place there. During walk seven you visit their prison, see where they were judged by the famous Revolutionary Tribunal, and then follow them as they are jolted around in a tumbril during their long and uncomfortable journey to the scaf
fold. On the way you''ll see where Danton met his first wife, visit the pharmacy where a romantic Swedish count bought ink to write letters to the Queen, and witness the funeral cortege of a slightly less romantic but more famous count.

8 Th
e Route of the Condemned II
Walk eight re-joins the tumbrils as they roll through the Place du Palais-Royal on their long journey to the scaffold, and along the way you''ll see a church where General Bonaparte emerged from the unknown to become a


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